Title Coverage Full Text
Law of loans and borrowing / edited by Straun Scott.
The law of motor insurance.
The law of nuclear energy / Helen Cook.
The law of passing-off : unfair competition by misrepresentation / by Professor Christopher Wadlow.
The law of personal property / Michael Bridge, Louise Gullifer, Kelvin F.K. Low, Gerard McMeel.
The law of private equity funds : a global perspective / by Andrew Wylie.
The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and UK. Volume 1 / Sue Arrowsmith.
The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and UK. Volume 2 / Professor Sue Arrowsmith.
The law of reinsurance in England and Bermuda / by P.T. O'Neill, J.W. Woloniecki, Franziska Arnold-Dwyer.
The law of real property / by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Megarry and Sir William Wade.
The law of Scotland.
The law of trees, forests and hedges / Charles Mynors, Stephanie Hall, Elizabeth Nicholls.